Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Desperate Couple!

Patrick (a.k.a. Paulie-Frumpyfinns) and his lumpty-dumm-dumms Kee-Kee-Kicklesqueals are tying the noose on Saturday. Loverly! FABulou(*whistle!*)! We are all extatic (and relieved!) that this wonderful lady has taken desperate pity on this unkempt and shedding animal, to wed him, truss herself with him (and some parsely!), and put him (and us!) out of his (and our) mysery!

Tomorrow is the wedding rehearsal and dinner! SO much to do! We are getting down to the wire. My role in all of this you ask? As one of the groomsmen, it is my duty to make sure that Mr. Frumpyfinns gets to a pet-grooming establishment so that he can at least be washed, combed and leashed for the occasion! He still has no idea that there will be hot wax involved, as well as a sander, cement, drain-o, and other such delights!

Kee-Kee-Kicklesqueals was at death's door earlier on this week. And naturally, Patrick rushed to her side in cape and tights to save the day...and promptly got sick himself. She is on the mend, and I am sure, just giddy with desperate and unbridled glee as the day of her sentencing approaches, when she will be saddled with the beast. When she last called to talk to her poodly-poo-poofs, she emitted random soprano-like squeals of glee that deafened me in my left ear. So we know she may be exhibiting some signs of excitement about all this.

Frumpyfinns, on the other hand is the one who is a perfect WRECK!!! Up and down the stairs I have seen him zwiddle desperately, flit, float, trudge, and flubble about the house, yelling such incoherent phrases such as, "I need to get my stuff together!", "Moooooom!" , and my least favourite, "So what are you guys planning for my stag?" It has not occured to him that there might not even be a stag at this rate. I catch him trying to snoop around and bribe people for hints, and it is quite amusing to me because he has no clue that his "stag" may be something rather...simple.

So there you have it. My desperate commentary will continue once the event has actually happened. And BOY am I going to have a LOT to say about this!!!

Stay tuned!


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