Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Cool Summer!

Now, whenever I zwiddle desperately hither and thither through the city, certain growns of constipation fall upon my ear, and these growns come from those who are not enjoying the cool summer we are having in Canada. As for me, I could not be happier!!! I love to wake up to the sun's rays dancing desperately upon the frosty dew on the grass, and the chill in the air just makes me want to fling myself upon a horse, and ride naked through a field of rutabagas!!!! The brisk air nipping at my chins, the birdies twerping happily without a care in the world, the nymphs and shepherds dancing in a ring, again with their bad $2.99 perma-nama-nents!!!!

I think it is time to embrace the frigid days of summer! Yelling at the sun is not going to do anything really. It just makes one hoarse after a while. Instead I think that we should break out our sweaters and sit by a campfire and sing KUMBAYA!!! I look at this as the perfect time to do all the gardening and all other forms of outside work, without having to sweat too much. That way, we can fan less and mop less brows.

The other thing is that this cool time can prepare us for the winter to follow. Yes! It keeps our blood pumping thick so that we have more of a chance of staying warm and toasty when those winter months roll in!

So, put away the shorts and miniskirts and break out the fur because winter is not too far away! *CONFETTI!* HURRAY!!! *jump-splits*

So now, I shall give myself a good headstart, seeing that, upon reading this blog, especially by some people who will remain nameless, I will be hunted down by an angry mob of rabid cannibals with torches seeking to render me defunct, tied to a stake, , pickled, stuffed, trussed, seasoned and culinated!!!

YEAY WINTER!!!!!!!!!!! *pom-poms, and hides*



  1. You've got a new site. Godivatruffle eh? No wonder people are always trying to eat you (or, at least, you think they are).

    Yes, get ready for the angry hordes of summer-lovers. They're after you!!

  2. I am too young and adorable to die!
