Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have a brand new score in my meaty little fingertons! A Ricordi score of La Donna del Lago by Gioacchino Rossini. I was chewing on my toesies (and everyone else's) waiting for the package to arrive. The doorbell rang! It was the UPS man!! I bounced upstairs and zwiddled desperately to the door, and scared the UPS man half to death by almost colliding into him! I took the package and was wondering why he was still standing there. He had his hand out waiting for payment of $2.71 CAD for duty. So I ran up and down the stairs like an insane person looking for change! After three attempts, I finally found the amount, paid him and sent him on his way, which I am sure he was glad to be at that point. I was now alone with my new score, all packaged in bubblewrap (*glee*) and stared at it for a long time. To savour the suspense, I decided to wait until the next day when I was at the Faculty of Music at the U of M, seated for the unveiling! Once opened, I proceeded to INHALE the book! There is something about a new book smell! You almost do not want to open it, but put it in bed and cover it with a blanket and feed it porridge!!

But alas, I opened the book! The suspense at this point was so thick that even Lulu was drooling from behind the counter on the OTHER side of the room and she did not even know it!!!! Like a raging sadist, I grabbed my florescent GREEN marker (now let me state that many people think that that colour is yellow...YOU ARE WRONG!!!) and proceeded to get totally carried away in marking my part in the score!

After two solid hours (and three bathroom trips!) of marking, I was complete!!!! SUCCESS!!!! And in honour of the occasion, I did a little shimmy and jig on the spot! Then I began to hear certain desperate strains wreaking havoc in my ear. The NYMPHS and SHEPHERDS came down from the bookshelves to rejoice with me in my glee! They knew that Lulu was given her coffeine patch for the day and did not have to fear her lack-of-morning-hemlock, nymph-and-shepherd-eating rampage which always seems to happen so quickly that not even Lulu can remember what happened, and always wonders why she has feathers and permed hair stuck in her teeth! So after playing a quick game of ring-around-the-rosey, they flitted away to keep from being caught.

And then, it was time for me to mount my umbrella once again and ride the westerly winds home. And tomorrow, I shall RETREAT! RETREEEEEEEEEET (2009) BACH to Steinbach, once again!



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