Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wedding Preparations!

So now, I have the desperate pleasure of watching Patrick-Frumpyfinns and his appledumpling-dumm-didi-dumm-dumms, Kee-Kee-Kicklesqueals zwiddle about desperately like a pair of rabid turtles as they go through last minute wedding jitters, and all in Matrix-like slow motion!

Kicklesqueals has the amazing talent of falling asleep in any position she finds herself in. When she is not sleeping, she is scheming via subliminal messages to the wedding party, as she really wants to see us all in pepto bismol coloured tu-tus flitting down the aisle, "am Punkte" to the music of Swan Lake played on the gazoo!

Meanwhile, Frumpyfinns is wandering around enjoying his hairy scruffy-ness, and gleefully unaware that he will be descended upon and groomed, which will of course involve fishingline, duct tape, cement, hot parafin wax, a sander, mitre saw, steel wool and drain-o!!!

Mervin, even though he pretends not to be excited, is chomping at the bit to get back to Winnipeg! When he thinks no one is looking, he jumps up and down, clapping his hands in glee over his impending arrival, and to make the time go even faster, he has taken up an online knitting course to learn how to crochet.

Mr. and Mrs. L. in all of this continue to remain sane. Mrs. L. busies herself with making sure that calls are returned, menus tackled, etc, while Mr. L. quietly watches all the bustle from the sidelines, playing his guitar and chewing on a blade of wheat, and escapes the stress by going to bed early. SMART MAN!!!

And I am like the wrench thrown into it all!!! In the midst of all the running around and yelling for the phone, and chasing after Frumpyfinns with a grooming kit, I mount the spring board and nose-dive right into the middle of it all, wreaking havoc in my wake and baking desserts at everyone! I figure that the busier I keep, the less likely it is for me to get eaten!!!


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