Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just in case you didn't know it...

It's FACTOID TUESDAY!!! So, here are se7en things I have noted in the last week, which I am sure will tickle you senseless, and if not, they'll tickle me senseless just writing about them:

1. Cannibals DO exist in Toronto, though half of them are in denial and the other in the closet!

2. Torontonians seem to enjoy their constipated demeanor and have a desperate aversion to fibre! They remind me of 4PM Saturdays in Superstore in Steinbach, MB with the omas!

3. The fact that babies coo and drool while gawking at me does not always mean they enjoy my company. Most of the time, it means they are hungry and teething and want something rubbery to gnaw on.

4. Hurricane Infant, which descended upon Toronto a fortnight ago, is petering out slowly, but is still packing quite the wallop and is still wreaking havoc in his wake!

5. Making the decision to leave facebook and begin blogging again is one of the most liberating experiences...this week at least!

6. Brick walls and glass doors do not soften with time!

7. In blasting your way through there like a truck in a Wagnerian or Strauss orchestra, a beautiful tone is an absolute waste of time. You are much better off with a factory whistle, foghorn or buzz-saw kind of voice, with a seismic cutting edge.

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