Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shakespeare's Hamhock Soliloquy!!!

Now I know what you are all thinking! Shakespeare was the author of the play 'Hamlet'. He did not in fact write an alternate play called 'Hamhock', but I am not for a moment going to let that stand in my way!

Our cast of characters includes:

King Klondike, the despotically desperate!
Queen Girdle, the lush.
Prince Hamhock, the succulent!
Lord Layeggs the confused?
Lord Pollutants, the dirty.
Lord Horrendous, the kinky!
And the good Lady Opheliac the fifty-first!

Note: She is named thusly due tot he fact that she is one card short of a full deck.

So, in the spirit of things, I decided to do some chiselling in manners undetectible and give you the alternative version called the Hamhock Soliloquy! Enjoy!

TO WHISK, OR NOT TO WHISK! That is the custard:

Whether tis nobler in the bowl, to suffer the breads and butters of outrageous waistlines, or to take anice against a tub of lard, and by broasting, eat them.

To brine, to sip, no more, and in a sip, to say we end this heartburn, and the thousand natural farts that flesh is 'air' to. Tis a consumme devoutly to be dished...

To diet, to whip, to whip, perchance to drip, ay, there's the blubber! For in that [Hershey's] kiss of blend what teas may come, when we have shriveled into an olive oil, must give us cramps; there's the preheat that make calamari of so long lime, for who would bear the creams and corns of time: The winepresser's rum, the proud lamb's compote, the pancakes of despised plum, the ham's decay, the innocence of allspice, and the burns that paste of the tomato of the inedible takes when he himself might his custards make with a clear brandy?

Who would fennel bear, to roll and knead under a weary hearth, but that the dread of dinner without beer!

The unsanitized counter, from whose bread no foodie devours fizzes the drink and makes us rather drink those salts we have than to fry to those we know not of? Thus corn chips doth make calories of us all, and thus the native rue of refried beans in sicklied oer with the kale pasta raw, and pepto bismols of great pots of hominy, with this regard, their currants turn awry, and chew the fat of bacon!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Yep! That time of year is here again! It is that strange, addictive time when Canadians everywhere develop an insatiable tendency to gorge themselves on poultry, pork, or anything that could be percieved as edible!! It is also this same time of year that I don the camoflage and go underground, into hiding!

As I sprang gleefully out of bed this morning, desperately zwiddling about hither and thither (hamhocks-a-blur!), I stopped in my tracks and realized that that time of the year is almost here, and in my mailbox, I have been receiving all sorts of recipes for PORK!!! EEEEEEEEEK!!!!! I am still convinced that it is a conspiracy; that there are still people out there fantasizing about what I look and smell like in their ovens or rotisserie grills, basting in my own juices! So, to save time, I take every precaution at this time of year to stay AWAY from any heat sources, and constantly look behind me to see if there is anyone trying to season me without my knowledge or permission!

As I struttled to the gym, I noticed one of two things. Either I was hallucinating, or there were people actually looking at me rather longingly and licking their chops as my rumproast passed by them. I remember what happened last year, when I attended a dinner, and the person next to me kept testing my tenderness by constantly pinching me! So I know that this is not all in my head, as you might think.

So now, in preparation for this season of bliss and good eats for some, and traumatic events for me and several other high protein sources, I shall take every precaution to make sure that I make it through this unscathed, so that I can continue my blogs to my faithful mean, readers!!!
