Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The wonders of Prescription DRUGS!!!

*skips daintily in* Now kids: Stay AWAY from using drugs, unless your Dr. tells you to!!!

Since the crash, a lot has happened! I have been submitting myself to being kneaded, pummeled, pin-cushioned, and threatened with more menu items being flung at MOI! I have been going to physiotherapy in other words, and I have been coping with quite a bit of pain from the impact.

So, I paid a visit to my neighbourhood shrink last week and flung myself upon his downy couch and allowed him limited access into my very sane and stable mind, to see if there is anything he can dredge up. Well, he must have dredged up something because I saw him shaking and popping a pill and washing it down with vodka, and when I was finished, he ran screaming from his surgery and is now into selling glass slippers out of a suitcase!

Before going stark raving mad, he did prescribe a sleep aid for me to take to help me get to sleep at night. Of course, I was skeptical about all of this at first, but I decided that it was time to wimp UP and take the pill!! So I did! It does help me to fall asleep quite well. It is while I am actually asleep that has me boggled!! I have the strangest dreams!!!

One night, while under the influence of this drug, I dreamt that I was on a hill side, with sheep, COUNTING them!!! I would start at the very beginning, which is a very good place to start, and then lose count, and have to start all over again! And every time I would start over, they would turn into LAMBSHANKS!!! So, to keep myself from thinking of mint jelly, I would walked away, and while doing so, fell off the mountain. The shepherdess tried to save me, but she was too late trying to undo one of her Princess Leia buns for me to hold on to, that it was just too late. So I fell into a tree.

Then, when I realized that I was sitting on the pointed edges of a pineapple, I squealed and sprang out of the bush, when I saw a lion charging toward me with mouth agape and daggers drawn! I closed my eyes, resigning to the thought that my ham-hocks were now on the menu, when just before he could eat me, while in mid-pounce, a gaggle of wonton belly-dancing hippos came flailing about gleefully pirouetting hither and thither, crushing the poor lion by knocking him out of mid air.

Then, I turned around and was grabbed by an amazon temptress, named Ertha, who shoved me into her bosoms and carried me off to her lair where I became the cute little butterball, tied to a stake, and slowly turning over a hot fire! Being hungry at this point, I ate the apple that was shoved into my mouth, and hypnotized some spiders to chew me loose. Then I escaped, on stilts and found a waterfall, where I ran smack into the nymphs and shepherds who were dancing in a ring and playing their little flutes and harps. When they saw me, they grinned, showing their fang-filled mouths, and invited me to lie down on a bed full of jelly beans and take a nap. When I refused to, they began shimmying their bosoms and started baking cakes at me, when I woke up!

I have since stopped taking this medication.