Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The REAL Martyrs!!!

So, you think you all have it rough? You think you have heard it all, seen it all, processed it all??! Well think again! In all my years of blogging, I have constantly forgotten time and time again, who the real heroes are; who the real MARTYRS are! For all the time I spend dying, sighing, having slight excesses of emotion (as you all know by now how sane and well-adjusted a person I am!) and rare cases of flinging myself hither and thither about the place, I cannot compare to the sacrifices that these devices we take so much for granted have had to put up with... our computer devices!

Sheba, my lappy-top has been my faithful companion over the past 3 years! She never yells, or screams, or talks back to me. She quietly sits there, processing desperately away all the things I feed into her. No smoke, no grinding noise...just quietly churning away. Nothing I tell her ever throws her! She totally agrees with me that I am soooo NOT edible and has promised to defend me to her last kilobyte!!! She has been sniffed at, thrown about, trampled upon, fondled (not my MOI!), turned on, turned off, tickle-tortured, feather-dusted, and the ultimate of blasphemy, PLUGGED OUT!!!! But she is still chugging along.

Just think about it for a second. If our machines had minds of their own, what do you think they would do if given the chance? I think they would either run screaming into therapy for the rest of their hard drives, or tie us all up with their charging chords, put us into their storage bags, zip them shut tightly, and put us away for a very, very long time!!! They have to deal with things like, "OMG! Keep this on the DL! Maddison's gone AWOL with MJ, and I am so totally NDWT(not down with that)!!!" and "Dear Online Diary, MY LIFE SUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!! Why can't I get a ticket to the sold-out Justin Beesley concert!!? He's so dreamy! I am SOO gonna stalk him!! I am going to MAKE him love me!!! He's SOOOO gonna have my children!! This is SOOOO NC (not cool)!!!" and of course, chatrooms where you read, "G2G now! You log off first. No you first! No YOU first!! NOOOO! YoU 1st! No, u ferst!!! No you! No U! No you! No U....!!!!" And then that goes on for the next hour! See what I mean??

Not to mention, the amount of abuse! Whenever a significant other breaks up via e-mail, who do you think gets the first fall-out? When the stock market is not doing well when we get alerts on our i-phones and i-pads, who do you think gets flung on the ground and jumped on?? When a person is waiting for a life-changing phone call, who do you think gets to be stared at for hours on end, being yelled at and told to "RING, OR DIE!!!"??? And, where I come from, who do you think gets forgotten in the cleavage of someone's never-ending bosoms???? Hey! It has been known to happen!!!!

So take some time today to caress with fondness your PC or mobile device today. Speak gently to them and give them a nice hug. They put up with a lot more than we ever give them credit for and are worth more than their weight in gold!