Monday, January 25, 2010

A Poem!


OOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty

If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times!
LEAVE IT ALONE! But you do not listen.
See what happens when you poke your nose
Where it does not belong?
Now I am going to have to ‘SPANK’ you!

After all the work we have done together,
You would ruin this marvellous creation,
All because you just could not contain yourself?
Now I am going to have to ‘SPANK’ you!

I begged, pleaded, threatened, even BRIBED you!
I even wrote you little sticky-notes
Encouraging you along the way
And now, we are back to square one!
You have given me no choice!
Now I am going to have to ‘SPANK’ you!

What a waste!
After the countless spools of thread!
The many knots, needles, fish-line,
Velcro fasteners, and even DUCT TAPE!!!
The many times I have had to truss you up
Like Sunday dinner just to get it right!
Well, I have had it!
Now I am going to have to ‘SPANK’ you!

All it took was one!
And that one led to two, then three,
Then...I am sure you’ve lost count by now!
The only thing I have left to say is:

“Honey, you need to find someone else
To alter that dress, cuz I’m out.
You’re out of time and up against a wall!!”

Thank the heavens for a good pair of SPANKS!
So you see, I did have to ‘SPANK’ you after all!

Written by Paul Williamson
2010 January 25